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International Conference on Autism Advanced Research and Management

Olympia City Music Theatre “Maria Callas”, Athens, Greece

Hybrid @ Athens - Greece & Web

September 27-29, 2024



Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are neurodevelopmental conditions that impact how individuals perceive and interact with the world, influencing their social interactions and communication skills. This has drawn significant scientific interest, focusing on understanding the behaviors and cognitive functions associated with ASD and their effects on daily life quality. ASD often coexists with other physical and mental health conditions, complicating the clinical picture. For instance, young children with ASD may experience delays in motor skills development and have issues with coordination and balance. Alarmingly, the incidence of autism diagnoses is on the rise, intensifying this pressing social issue.

In response to these challenges and to foster greater awareness the Greek Society for the Protection of Autistic Persons (GSPAP), the Hellenic Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, the Culture, Sports and Youth Organization of the City of Athens (OPANDA) and Funogen, are collaborating to host the 1st International Conference on Autism Advanced Research and Management in Athens. This event will spotlight cutting-edge research on the causes and biological mechanisms of ASD, explore modern management technologies, and promote the social inclusion and collaboration of individuals with autism. The conference is a key initiative under the Greek Society for the Protection of Autistic Persons - Funogen's #connectmetoo: Together in Synergy for Autism movement, which aims to enhance societal awareness of autism.

At the conference, the distinguished Professor Gevorg Tamamyan will send an official greeting. Professor Gevorg Tamamyan, the Head of the Department of Hematology and Pediatric Oncology, the Head of the Children’s Cancer and Blood Diseases Center of Armenia was elected the president of the Asian Division of the International Society of Pediatric Oncology (SIOP Asia).

We are pleased to announced that the distinguished Professor Mohammad Amjad Kamal will address a formal greeting at the opening of the conference! Prof. Mohammad Amjad Kamal is a Visiting Professor at various universities around the globe. He leads a highly productive global collaborative research team at Novel Global Community Educational Foundation (NGCEF), Australia. Prof. Kamal's biochemical research in neurodegeneration, Type 2 diabetes and Leukemia has culminated in more than 600 publications in internationally respected journals and 65 abstracts at international conferences. Prof. Kamal migrated to Australia in 1998 and was awarded a prestigious U2000 Postdoctoral Fellowship in 2000 by the University of Sydney, School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences. Moreover, he serves as a regional/editorial member/guest editor of several reputed scientific journals.

National Museum of Contemporary Art (EMST)

The National Museum of Contemporary Art (EMST) recognizes the importance of accessibility and inclusion for all visitors. The museum has developed special programs and actions to facilitate the visit of individuals with autism, offering appropriate educational tools and sensitized staff. These initiatives include interactive tours and workshops that help individuals with autism engage with the exhibits in a way that is comfortable and understandable for them.

Acropolis Museum

The Acropolis Museum, known for housing unique archaeological findings, has also focused on developing initiatives for the accessibility and inclusion of individuals with autism. Through specially designed educational programs and interactive exhibitions, the museum creates an environment that encourages understanding and interaction with history and culture, tailored to the needs of individuals with autism.

With the Acropolis Museum we are organizing for the first time a special guided tour for adolescents and adults on the autism spectrum in early September, with the participation of special educators, music educators and archaeologists, and the results will be printed and presented at our conference!

Round Tables - Workshops

Round Table: Greek Society for the Protection of Autistic People. History and Actions
Round Table: Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine and ASD
Round Table: Autism, Public Health, and Social Challenges - Department of Public and One Health
Round Table: Inclusion - Accessibility for Autism in the Municipality of Athens
Round Table: The Impact of Late Diagnosis of Autism on both Parents and autistic adolescent.
Round Table: Setting the stage for the prevention and control of substance use among people with Autism, curated by the Lebanese Association for Medical Services for Addiction.
Round Table: Preventing, diagnosing and treating cancer among people with Autism: From the bench and the clinic to public health and policy
Round Table: Opening up work "paths" on the Autism Spectrum

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Support Our Conference: A Call for Sponsorships to Shape the Future of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Understanding and Care

By sponsoring our upcoming conference at ConnectMeToo, you can play a pivotal role in addressing these needs. Your sponsorship will facilitate the advancement of research into ASD, support the development of innovative resources for daily living, and bolster educational programs to foster understanding and inclusion in schools, workplaces, and communities.

Join us in our commitment to creating an environment where individuals with ASD can flourish. Sponsor our conference today and become a key part of this transformative journey. Your involvement signifies more than support—it is a beacon of hope and a step toward meaningful change for countless individuals and families living with autism.


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with Autism Specialists in a Pioneering #connectmetoo

Annual Conference